Nov 21, 2008

Ebeling on the Auto Bailout

Richard Ebeling, one of our speakers in November, 2008, has published a comment on the proposed bailout of the Detroit automobile industry. It appeared in the Detroit News.

An excerpt: "However the auto bailout is paid for -- through higher taxes, increased borrowing, or by cranking up the Bureau of Engraving's printing presses -- it amounts to little more than "spreading the wealth" from the rest of us to those who know how to buy political friends wisely."

Read the rest here.

Capitalism Without Guilt

The second speaker in the Moore School of Business BB&T Foundations of Capitalism speaker series will be Yaron Brook, President, Ayn Rand Institute

Mr. Brook will present "Capitalism Without Guilt"

Date: Tuesday, Dec. 2
Time: 5-6 pm 
Location: 8th Floor Lumpkin Auditorium

You may view a webcast on the day of the event by going to Look under the bottom left corner under "Moore Events." If you will be live on the webcast, just add WEBCAST into the comment section of the RSVP form. 

For questions or feedback, contact:

Gabriele Koebler Clark
Director, Alumni Relations
Moore School of Business 
University of South Carolina 

800-277-0105 (toll free in US)

Russ Sobel on Video

Russ Sobel's presentation on "Unleashing Capitalism" is now available via a video link from the Initiative for Public Choice and Market Process at the College of Charleston. 

To view it, click here.

Nov 19, 2008

BB&T Foundations of Capitalism Series

John A. Allison IV, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BB&T Corporation, will speak about 'Principled Leadership' at the BB&T "Foundations of Capitalism" Speaker Series. Moore School of Business graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to attend.

Thursday, November 20, 2008, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Lumpkin Room, 8th Floor
Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina
1705 College Street
Columbia, SC 29208

Register here.

Nov 18, 2008

Russ Sobel on the West Virginia Economy

Dr. Russ Sobel on the West Virginia Economy...

More of the interview here. Russ Sobel spoke to the Columbia Economics Club in November.

Nov 11, 2008

Ebeling to Speak Wednesday, Nov. 12

Richard Ebeling, the Shelby C. Davis Visiting Professor in Economics at Trinity College in Hartford, CT, and formerly the president of the Foundation for Economic Education, will be the speaker at the next meeting of the Columbia Economics Club. 

His topic will be "The Bailout Boondoggle: Blaming Capitalism for Government Blunders."

Date: Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008
Time: Noon
Location: The Palmetto Club (McMeekin Room)
Member RSVP: Kathryn Robinson
Guests are $25